Our best tasting plant-based protein powder is healthy and non-bloating, which makes it the perfect addition to your daily routine to achieve your fitness goals.
The sustained-release formula provides an excellent source of protein with low fat and low carbohydrates content to help build lean muscle while giving you the energy to bring your workouts to a whole new level!
This delicious and organic raw vegan protein powder has a full amino acid profile, along with being high in BCAAs. This combination will contribute to the growth and maintenance of lean muscle mass as well as a proper recovery.
Sweetened naturally and without artificial flavors, RAW Nutritional is also providing omega-3/omega-6 along with magnesium and fiber coming from flaxseeds. It’s the ideal option for your appetite as it helps you stay satisfied, fuller for longer and can satisfy your sweet tooth.
Our plant-based protein powder is hypoallergenic and is free from dairy, gluten, lactose, soy, peanuts, and wheat, making it an excellent option for those with allergies or food sensitivities.
They are offered in six different flavors to please anybody's taste!
A fruity taste with a little touch of tropical one? Of course!
Two flavors combined have never been so nutritious! The possibilities to use these small berries' powder are infinite. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, good fats, fibre, a simple add on to your meals provide a longer feeling of satiety throughout the day and a tremendous amount of other benefits. These are one of the most nutrient-dense foods, and even easier to consume in its powder form.
Camu Camu berry powder is an interesting ally to add to your routine for optimal health. It’s an excellent vitamin C source, up to 20 to 30 times more than a kiwi and 50 times more than an orange. And do you know how this vitamin plays a vital role in your body? It strengthens the immune system and participates in the formation of collagen.
Its composition is so intriguing that several studies are starting to look at it. The first results show that this fruit could promote weight loss and be beneficial in metabolic diseases.
Goji Berries have an exceptionally pleasant bite and a truly unique taste— somewhere between a dried cherry, raisin, and cranberry. They provide plenty of essential nutrients, including complex carbohydrates and complete proteins.
Goji berries have been valued throughout Asia as one of the most nutrient-dense foods for thousands of years. Its nickname "The Happy Berry" comes from Chinese traditions. Local religious were reputed to be jolly and healthy— a result of the goji berries they drank and used to brew their tea.
Only recently have Western cultures recognized the benefits of consuming this tasty little berry and add it to their diet. Goji berries contain a wide variety of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, and have created a long-held reputation for being a pure superfood berry. No doubt, this is an excellent addition to any diet.
* Discounts are not applicable for this combo
Notre délicieuse protéine à base de petits pois jaunes est saine et facile à digérer, ce qui en fait l’addition parfaite à votre routine pour l’atteinte de vos objectifs.
Cette formule vous procure une excellente source de protéines, tout en étant faible en gras et glucides, afin de construire la masse musculaire maigre et aider à sa récupération. Elle vous donnera assez d'énergie afin d'améliorer vos entraînements et les rendre à un tout autre niveau!
La Vegan Pro présente un profil complet d’acides aminés à chaînes ramifiées (BCAA), en plus d’en procurer la quantité nécessaire pour favoriser la croissance et la récupération des tissus.
Naturellement sucrée et sans saveur artificielle, RAW Nutritional vous fournit des oméga-3/oméga-6, ainsi que du magnésium et des fibres provenant de la graine de lin moulue, notre agent texturant principal. C’est une option idéale pour combler l’appétit et vous garder rassasié, tout en satisfaisant votre dent sucrée.
Notre formule à base de plantes est sans produit laitiers, sans gluten, sans lactose, sans soja, sans arachides et sans blé, la rendant idéale pour les personnes souffrant d’allergies ou d’intolérances alimentaires.
La Vegan Pro est offerte en six délicieuses saveurs pour satisfaire les goûts de quiconque!
Un goût fruité, accompagné d’une touche tropicale? Bien sûr!
Cette poudre de petites baies peut être consommée de multiples façons. Remplie de vitamines, d’antioxydants, de bons gras et de fibres, ajoutée à votre repas, elle procure un sentiment de satiété tout au long de la journée. Elle est l’une des baies les plus nutritives et l’avoir sous forme de poudre la rend plus accessible au quotidien.
La poudre de baie Camu camu est une alliée intéressante à ajouter à votre routine pour une santé optimale. C’est une excellente source de vitamine C, jusqu’à 20 à 30 fois plus que le kiwi et 50 fois plus que l’orange. Et savez-vous comment cette vitamine joue un rôle important dans votre corps? Elle renforcit le système immunitaire et participe à la formation de collagène.
Sa composition est tellement intrigante, que plusieurs recherches commencent à s’y intéresser. Les premiers résultats révèlent que ce fruit pourrait favoriser la perte de poids et être bénéfique aux maladies métaboliques.
Les Baies de Goji de RAW Nutritional ont un goût plaisant fort exceptionnel, mais très unique—quelque part entre les cerises, raisins et canneberges séchés. Elles procurent une panoplie de nutriments essentiels, incluant des glucides complexes ainsi que des protéines complètes.
En Asie, les baies de goji sont reconnues comme étant l’un des aliments les plus riches en nutriments depuis des milliers d’années. Son surnom «La Baie Joyeuse» provient de traditions chinoises. Les religieux locaux étaient, à l’époque, réputés pour être joyeux et en bonne santé—un résultat grâce aux baies de goji qu'ils buvaient et utilisaient pour préparer leur thé.
Ce n'est que tout récemment que les cultures occidentales ont reconnu les bienfaits de consommer cette délicieuse baie et l’ont incluse dans leur alimentation. Contenant une grande variété de phytonutriments, vitamines et minéraux, la baie de goji s’est forgée une réputation de longue date en tant que superaliment. Sans aucun doute, il s'agit d'un excellent ajout à la consommation.
For gifts that impress.
Order processing typically takes 12-24 hours. Then, the delivery time depends on your geographical location and can vary from 2 to 4 working days. Residents of Greater Montreal can sometimes receive their package the next day.
Order processing typically takes 12-24 hours. Then, the delivery time depends on your geographical location and can vary from 2 to 4 working days. Residents of Greater Montreal can sometimes receive their package the next day.
A tracking number will be available as soon as your order is shipped. You can use this number to track the progress of your package.
1. Select products online and add them to your cart.
2. You also have the option of having your products packaged in a gift box for $7 more. Simply check the “Gift Box” option in your cart.
All our products are available at the DIX30 branch. Additionally, orders placed online can be picked up in store.
Please note that we cannot accept the cancellation of an order once it has been processed. To make changes to your order, please contact us before your package ships. If your package has already been shipped, we recommend contacting the shipping distributor directly to update your shipping address.
If the package is returned to us due to an incorrect address or undeliverable, please note that you will be responsible for return shipping costs.
If you received an item that does not match your order, please contact us within 5 days of receipt.
Please contact us with your order number if you wish to make any changes. Please note that we cannot guarantee item change if your order has already been processed. However, we would like to inform you that you have the possibility of exchanging your items free of charge at our points of sale.
Yes, we offer in-store pickup service. When ordering online, you can choose the in-store pickup option as your delivery method. Once your order has been processed and ready, you will be informed by email or telephone to collect your package from our designated store. Be sure to check store hours before heading there.
All our products are designed and manufactured in Quebec, in different regions. We are proud to support local brands and promote products made in Quebec. You can consult our directory for more information on the brands we offer at Signé Local.
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