Tonic Workshop


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18 products

Bubulles - Bubble Bath - Eucalyptus and Sweet Mint
Bubulles - Bubble Bath - Lavender and Verbena
Brume Under the spell - RelaxeZzzz
Calming Mist - Yogi
Bubulles - Bubble Bath - Manage yourself
Mist Letting Go - Manage Yourself
Calming roll-on - Yogi
Moisturizing hand balm - Hip RosaMoisturizing hand balm - Hip Rosa
Energizing Mist - Boost
Face and body moisturizing cream - VentiFace and body moisturizing cream - Venti
Energizing roll-on - Boost
Essential oil - Zzzz
Essential oil - Zzzz Sale priceFrom $15.00
Essential oil - MANAGE YOURSELF
Massage oil - Odorless
Antiseptic - GermicidorusAntiseptic - Germicidorus
Essential oil - YOGI
Essential oil - YOGI Sale priceFrom $15.00
Essential oil - BOOST
Essential oil - BOOST Sale priceFrom $15.00
Cleansing Milk - Raccoon

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