Alimentation_Boissons sans alcool (jus, thé, tisane)


Logo PilKi
PilKi offers Labrador tea-based herbal teas with innovative flavors, with wild ingredients hand-picked from the boreal forest and the meadows of Quebec, a real delight for the taste buds! Our herbal teas proudly highlight our terroir thanks to often forgotten and unrecognized local ingredients in order to rediscover the richness of here, the time of a comforting cup. Each infusion is designed to appeal to a variety of tastes: from floral delicacy to sapine, from forest bitterness to sweetness, from tangy to spicy, from earthy to fruity, etc. Free of theine and caffeine, Labrador tea is relaxing and contains many health-enhancing properties. Our used containers are also made in Montreal from recycled fibers, without any plastic!

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