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Animal vert, alimentation naturelle pour animaux

Green pet, natural pet food

Pet owners are paying more attention to their companion's diet these days. Whether it is to remedy specific problems or to take a turn towards the natural, Animal Vert assists masters by offering ...

Trucs et astuces pour un système immunitaire à toute épreuve 

Tips and tricks for a strong immune system

Every day we are exposed to a wide variety of germs and viruses. Our immune system is challenged daily. Especially in this pandemic time, we need to make sure this one is strong enough to fight pa...

Allo Simonne, la tartinade du dimanche à tous les jours

Allo Simonne, the Sunday spread every day

Hello Simonne is an entrepreneur couple who work with hazelnuts by combining them with noble ingredients while minimizing their ecological footprint and maximizing their impact on the local economy...

réduire son impact environnemental par l'alimentation

Reduce your environmental impact through food

In the wake of the climate demonstration on September 27 in Montreal, it is important to question our consumption habits. Many scary situations are happening in the world right now, like the ocean...

L’alimentation de proximité : des marchés aux paniers

Local food: from markets to baskets

Local food is definitely my hobbyhorse, and the first bunch of asparagus in Quebec gives me a little breath of hope every year. What could be better than fresh produce grown close to home? Quebec g...

Dimanche Matin, le cocooning à son meilleur

Sunday Morning, cocooning at its best

Stepping into the kitchen of Annie-Claude, founder ofDimanche Matin , is to curl up in the scent of fruit and comfort. Even if she was confused in excuses, because she received me in full preparati...